Meshery v0.4.14
Released on October 20, 2020
Whatβs new?
- Translate contribute guide to docs to spanish @jesuslerma (#1696)
- security: update ui deps to avoid DOS @kushthedude (#1689)
- fix(UI): table filters not rendering due to custom header @dhruv0000 (#1694)
- Updating Istio Documentation, @Maxgit3 (#1683)
- Fetch Grafana Boards after config. @dhruv0000 (#1688)
- [Docs] Installation Guides @chandrashritii (#1673)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images @IMGBOT (#1687)
- [Docs] Update Meshery architecture page @chandrashritii (#1675)
- UI: Remove smi conformance results chip @daksh-sagar (#1686)
- [Docs] Update windows installation guide for Meshery @chandrashritii (#1657)
- Updated βKongβ -> βKumaβ @Neilblaze (#1681)
- [mesheryctl] Generate cluster access for Minikube clusters @leecalcote (#1672)