Understanding Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets with Meshery

Introduction: In this tutorial, we will delve into the realm of Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets. ConfigMaps are used to manage configuration data, while Secrets handle sensitive information. Using Meshery Playground, an interactive live cluster environment, we’ll perform hands-on labs to gain practical insights into working with ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes.


  • Basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts.
  • Meshery Playground access. If you don’t have an account, sign up at Meshery Playground.

Lab Scenario: Managing Application Configuration with ConfigMaps and Secrets

Objective: Learn how to create and manage ConfigMaps and Secrets in Kubernetes to handle configuration data and sensitive information for your applications.


1. Accessing Meshery Playground:

  • Log in to the Meshery Playground using your credentials.
  • Navigate to the Meshery Playground dashboard.

2. Creating a ConfigMap:

  • Learn how to create a ConfigMap to store configuration data for your application.



apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: my-configmap data: app.properties: | key1=value1 key2=value2 ```

Apply the ConfigMap configuration:

`bash kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml \`

3. Using ConfigMaps in Pods:

  • Explore how to use ConfigMaps in your Pod specifications to inject configuration data into your application.



apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: mypod spec: containers:

  • name: mycontainer image: nginx:latest volumeMounts:
    • name: config-volume mountPath: /etc/config volumes:
  • name: config-volume configMap: name: my-configmap ```

Apply the Pod configuration:

`bash kubectl apply -f pod-with-configmap.yaml \`

4. Creating a Secret:

  • Learn how to create a Secret to store sensitive information, such as API keys or database credentials.



apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-secret type: Opaque data: username: YWRtaW4= # Base64 encoded username password: cGFzc3dvcmQ= # Base64 encoded password ```

Apply the Secret configuration:

`bash kubectl apply -f secret.yaml \`

5. Using Secrets in Pods:

  • Explore how to use Secrets in your Pod specifications to securely pass sensitive information to your application.



apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: mypod-secret spec: containers:

  • name: mycontainer-secret image: nginx:latest env:
    • name: DB_USERNAME valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: my-secret key: username
    • name: DB_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: my-secret key: password ```

Apply the Pod configuration:

`bash kubectl apply -f pod-with-secret.yaml \`

6. Updating ConfigMaps and Secrets:

  • Learn how to update ConfigMaps and Secrets dynamically and observe the changes in the associated Pods.

`bash kubectl edit configmap my-configmap kubectl edit secret my-secret \`

7. Clean-Up:

  • Delete the ConfigMap, Secret, and associated resources after completing the lab.

`bash kubectl delete configmap my-configmap kubectl delete secret my-secret kubectl delete pod mypod mypod-secret \`

8. Saving and Sharing:

  • Save your scenario in Meshery Playground for future reference.
  • Share your ConfigMap and Secret scenarios with the Meshery community for collaborative learning.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the lab on Understanding Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets using Meshery Playground. This hands-on experience has equipped you with practical knowledge on managing configuration data and sensitive information in Kubernetes. Continue exploring more scenarios in the Meshery Playground to enhance your skills in cloud-native technologies.

Suggested Reading